Our kids started riding Striders when they were almost two. They gained confidence and learned bike handling skills. Our son rode his to daycare everyday. We love the Strider 12 Sport because it light and easy for kids to pick up and maneuver on their own. It is super durable and makes for a great hand-me-down. The tires never go flat!
The Strider Sport has a seat height range from 28-48 cm (11-19 in.), which means it fits a huge range of inseam lengths (30-51 cm [12-20 in.]). The cushy, padded seat and an additional extra-long seatpost means your child will get years out of their Strider.
Our kids both started riding pedal bikes without training wheels at 4. There is no right or wrong age to learn but 4 is on the early side and that is definitely because they rode the Strider so much. We highly recommend these fun balance bikes.
Here is what Strider says about the Strider 12 Sport.